Anger Management in Children
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

Anger Management in Children

Helping children navigate the complexities of anger and cultivate a healthier relationship with this often misunderstood emotion is extremely important while they are developing into the amazing people they are.

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How chores teach our children independence
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

How chores teach our children independence

Chores are often seen as a necessary evil, something that needs to be done but is not necessarily enjoyable. However, what many parents fail to realize is that chores can actually be a valuable tool in teaching our children independence. By assigning age-appropriate tasks and responsibilities, we can help our children develop important life skills and foster a sense of self-reliance.

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The Importance of Community for Moms: Finding Support and Connection
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

The Importance of Community for Moms: Finding Support and Connection

As a mom, navigating the challenges and joys of motherhood can sometimes feel overwhelming. That's why finding a supportive community is crucial for your well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of community for moms and how it can provide the support and connection you need on your motherhood journey.

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Daily affirmations
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

Daily affirmations

In today's fast-paced and often stressful world, it's important to take a moment each day to remind ourselves of our worth and capabilities. Daily affirmations are a powerful tool that can help us cultivate a positive mindset and boost our self-confidence. By repeating positive statements to ourselves, we can rewire our brains to focus on the good and overcome negative self-talk.

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How to help your child handle grief and loss
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

How to help your child handle grief and loss

Losing a loved one is an incredibly difficult experience for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for children who may not fully understand the concept of death or have the emotional tools to cope with grief. As a parent, it is your role to support and guide your child through this painful process. Here are some tips on how to help your child deal with grief and loss:

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Building Strong, Positive Self-Esteem in Children: A Guide for Parents
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

Building Strong, Positive Self-Esteem in Children: A Guide for Parents

Self-esteem is a crucial aspect of a child's emotional well-being and overall development. It plays a significant role in shaping their confidence, resilience, and ability to navigate life's challenges. As parents, it is our responsibility to foster a positive self-image in our children, helping them grow into confident and self-assured individuals. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies to boost kids' self-esteem and create a solid foundation for their future success.

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10 Ways to reinforce your child
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

10 Ways to reinforce your child

As parents, we all want our children to grow up to be confident, resilient, and successful individuals. By providing consistent support and encouragement, we can help our children develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. Here are some effective ways to reinforce your child:

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How to Promote Body Positivity in Teens
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

How to Promote Body Positivity in Teens

Promoting body positivity in teens can be challenging with all of the social influences, but it is so incredibly important. Body positivity is the belief that all body types and sizes are both valid and beautiful. This can be hard to instill in teens who are constantly bombarded with unrealistic standards of beauty through social media, advertisements, and other media outlets.

Here are some tips on how to help teens develop body positivity:

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Teaching Kindness and Empathy to Our Children
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

Teaching Kindness and Empathy to Our Children

When our children learn to put themselves in another person's shoes, they'll understand a situation better- and often come up with more creative solutions and stronger communication by thinking of the needs of everyone involved. Last (but not least), empathy is crucial in teaching our kids compassion and kindness.

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10 Reasons Saying "No" Will Improve Your Life
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

10 Reasons Saying "No" Will Improve Your Life

When in situations where you feel pressured to say yes, it can be difficult to find the courage to say no. But saying no can actually improve your life in numerous ways. Here are 10 reasons you should practice saying no more often.

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When Setting Boundaries Makes You Feel Anxious
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

When Setting Boundaries Makes You Feel Anxious

Many people feel a natural sense of obligation to please others, sacrificing their own needs and preferences in the process. This is especially true for those of us who identify as people pleasers - those of us who go above and beyond to keep the peace and make sure our needs are last on the list.

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A Letter to the Single Mom
Liz Kelly Liz Kelly

A Letter to the Single Mom

You are valuable, you are capable, and you are brave (re-read this again...and write it down so you don't forget it!) Believe in yourself and watch everything begin to unfold - because where you are today is not where you will remain.

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