Teaching Kindness and Empathy to Our Children

At the most basic level, empathy is the ability to recognize and share another person's emotions and experiences. It is a way for our children to relate to others, build better relationships, and understand that their actions have consequences on those around them.

On a practical level, empathy can help kids understand their own feelings. Kids who act out or have a hard time being kind to others could be having a difficult time understanding why they're feeling the way they are. But when they learn to recognize the feelings of others, they can better recognize and understand their own feelings as well.

Empathy is also an amazing tool for problem solving. When our children learn to put themselves in another person's shoes, they'll understand a situation better- and often come up with more creative solutions and stronger communication by thinking of the needs of everyone involved. Last (but not least), empathy is crucial in teaching our kids compassion and kindness.

When our children learn to recognize and understand how others feel, they'll be better equipped to mind kind and thoughtful decisions. They will be able to respond in appropriate and mature ways to difficult situations and develop an overall respect for one another.

Want an easy tool to start talking about empathy + kindness with your child? We created a workbook that has fun activities and ideas for them as they navigate this amazing core value!

Check it out here.

Please reach out if you ever have questions about any of our posts. We are here FOR YOU!

And don’t forget to check out our social media for some real life inspo + laughs.


Liz + Kelly


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